
Originally Blogging the Artist's Way. Thoughts, musings, experience of the 12-week course, January to March 2006. And after that?.... Life, creativity, writing. Where does it all meet? Here, perhaps.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

One Deep Breath - Countryside

We haven't had our first frosts, and many trees have yet to begin displaying their Autumn glory, but I love the colours that are showing up on this rhus. Did I cheat, in that the photo was taken in a garden within a country park? Oh, well....

.............These are autumn’s gifts, copper, amber, rubies

............before winter’s chill

There will be more Countryside Haiku HERE



At 10/10/06 5:13 pm, Blogger SLW said...

Wonderful! 'gold, copper, amber, rubies...'!! I love how all the colors come out, not just the traditional fall ones...

Thanks for coming by-- but what are conkers? And tell me, please, about turning leaves into 'fish-bones.' (grin)

At 10/10/06 5:38 pm, Blogger GreenishLady said...

Oh. Conkers are horse-chestnuts. Shiny, brown round beautiful nuts, children would hang them on strings and play a game ... complicated. Fishbones... the leaves of horse-chestnuts, when you strip out the once-green parts, leave the ribs of the leaf, looking like.... fishbones! Think this needs visuals, maybe!

At 10/10/06 5:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love sumac (to see, not to grow for myself); it turns the most wonderful shade of red. I don't think you cheated at all--the picture is lovely as is your haiku.

At 10/10/06 10:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a marvelous photo, and your haiku perfectly reflects autumns gifts. I've been so entranced with the colors here the past days that I almost got in an accident driving because I was so busy looking at the landscape!

At 10/10/06 11:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lovely haiku and photo are like a breath of fresh country air, today!
Thank you.

(I don't think I've seen nor heard of rhus before, I'm not sure if we have them over here. But I like it's colors and shape)

At 11/10/06 2:28 pm, Blogger eliza said...

just lovely.

and what exciting news about your novel project. a bold leap! bravo. those bring the best returns, i think...

At 11/10/06 3:58 pm, Blogger Rowan said...

Enjoyed both the haiku and the photograph of the sumac - they do turn the most beautiful colours in autumn don't they?

At 11/10/06 6:32 pm, Blogger Annie Jeffries said...

How true!

At 11/10/06 8:32 pm, Blogger Catherine said...

It looks as if the colours of that tree will be spectacular in a few weeks' time. Nice haiku

At 12/10/06 2:37 am, Blogger Sue Seibert said...

Beautiful. Even here in Texas there's a nip in the air tonight, and tomorrow we are supposed to have a cold front. That means temp in the 60's, but still it's better than the 100s!

At 12/10/06 7:54 am, Blogger Ian russell said...

i love your use of elements to depict colour, so inspired. wonderful haiku.

i think conkers, the nut and game, must be peculiar to north west europe - the trees were said to have been imported from france. the americas have something called 'buckeyes' which may or not be similar - i've never seen one. :o)

At 12/10/06 5:10 pm, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

Your choice of colors like "rubies" instead of red was lovely. Enjoyed learning about Conkers & Fishbones :)

At 12/10/06 6:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty. We here in New England are having a colorful time, too.


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