
Originally Blogging the Artist's Way. Thoughts, musings, experience of the 12-week course, January to March 2006. And after that?.... Life, creativity, writing. Where does it all meet? Here, perhaps.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Poetry Thursday: Last week's prompt

This week's prompt is something I'll be coming back to in weeks to come, but because I missed last week (being away, feeding my senses in France), and because I just happen to have a poem that fits last week's (completely and totally optional) prompt of a Song of Myself, I thought I'd share the above with you. Not being able to find the file, and being too lazy to type it out again, I've scanned it from my notebook, and hope it's legible.

More Poetry Thursday posts - mostly on the topic of Synaesthesia, can be found (felt, tasted, heard, seen, smelt?) HERE



At 28/9/06 1:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Greenishlady,
its pretty legible and a nice poem..

At 28/9/06 10:51 pm, Blogger Tammy Brierly said...

This was enchanting, I enjoyed it very much :) Reads clear enough.

At 29/9/06 7:20 am, Blogger Crafty Green Poet said...

That's beautiful.....

At 29/9/06 7:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I especially loved those last few lines about the child of your song.
A sweet song, indeed.

At 2/10/06 7:32 pm, Blogger daringtowrite said...

Whenever I read a poem that I enjoy and connect to as I do to this one, I expect to see the name of some renowned published poet as I scroll down. Then I realize with delight that I'm being treated to something way more personal and lovely than an excerpt that every other poetry lover has probably already enjoyed and I feel a little smug about my privilege for a moment until I get back in touch with my gratitude and turn back to savour this new gift by reading it again and again and aloud to the appreciative walls around me.

At 2/10/06 9:24 pm, Blogger kerrdelune said...

I can read it easily, and it is an absolute gem, so glad you scanned it in for us. Thank you for this one!

At 2/10/06 9:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one made me smile ~ thanks.


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