Sunday Scribblings - If I could Stop Time....
It's been quite a few weeks since I've been around on a Sunday, so I've been absent from Sunday Scribblings (although I often d0 get a bunch of the pieces read during the course of the week). This week, I am home early enough today (Sunday afternoon) to scribble a very brief response to the prompt. I posted a poem on this theme a few months ago for Poetry Thursday HERE. You can tell that the idea of time stopping doesn't appeal to me at all!
If I could stop time, if I was given that power, would it take superhuman power within me to resist the temptation to apply it, to not make that invisible clock that moves us all forward grind to a halt?
I wouldn’t want to stop time, to be responsible for anyone who is suffering being forever in that state, to be the one who decides that this moment, the one I value so much for me, has to be the one that everyone else is going to have to endlessly live through too.
That time moves on, is part of what makes life special: It is what makes a special moment so precious, so valued – knowing that it will not last, that it will be lost, that it is fleeting and passing, and meant to be savoured right now, now in this moment. That time moves on is part of what makes it possible to weather the hard moments, to be able to say “This too shall pass” and know that it is true.
If I were given the power to stop time, I think I would consider myself cursed, I would want to hand back the power, to say that is a cup I will pass, that is a power I would never wish to wield.
I've just returned from a weekend with one of the writers' groups I belong to, and although I say I wouldn't want to stop time, it might have been nice to slow it down a little, to enjoy these moments just a bit longer:

Blogger's being awkward about letting me post any more than one picture. But there were many beautiful moments in the weekend, among people who mean a great deal to me, with a marvellous workshop leader who coaxed amazing work from a group who were lazy with good food and sea air. This was our 7th annual retreat together and a treasure to be held in memory.
(Update, later)
Oh..... And look HERE to see the quote from Stanley Kunitz I've just spotted posted by Theresa Very apt to the theme I think.
Labels: Sunday Scribbling., writers group, writing retreat
Your writer's retreat sounds like a dream! And as for time stoppage, I see many people are taking it much more SERIOUSLY than I do -- to me it is just a fantasy of being able to sort of slip into a ... a cloak room in the flow of time, and hang out in there. In my fantasy, there is no suffering going on -- how grim! But it's interesting to read other perpectives.
That writers weekend sounds like heaven! *sigh* Look beautiful too.
Waht a good point you make in your poem. Most people do tend to focus on where they would like time stopped, without thinking about the ramifications for others, whose "moment in time" might be a painful one.
Your writer's retreat sounds marvelous - lucky you:)
The retreat sounds and looks wonderful. Thanks for your thanksgiving comment on my blog.
And, thanks, too, for your parking moral support.
I like what you said about, "given that power, would it take superhuman power within me to resist the temptation to apply it?" Maybe that is why we aren't given these powers, because in our human frailties, we might misuse or abuse the power. I love the idea of a writer's retreat!
That is a powerful post. I love the picture--so beautiful. When blogger does this to me, I go to Just make sure the pics aren't too big--I resize them first.
Beautiful image. It says much about you that you consider the well-being of others and would pass the opportunity.
Lucky you for experiencing the writer's retreat. Enjoy!!!
What a thoughtful post...really enjoyed your take on this :-)
The writing's lovely. Though we wouldn't want anyone to linger in pain, I think of the stopping of time, as more like the pause button on the DVD player, just buying a bit more time.
Your writer's retreat sound heavenly. Someday I'd like to attend a retreat/workshop with other writers. What a wonderful time you must have had - can't wait to hear more about it.
The ability to stop time does seem a little daunting when you consider how many people would be affected and in what ways. But...the idea of creating more time to write with friends is really tempting. Sounds like a wonderful weekend retreat.
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