
Originally Blogging the Artist's Way. Thoughts, musings, experience of the 12-week course, January to March 2006. And after that?.... Life, creativity, writing. Where does it all meet? Here, perhaps.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


This is the silliness I've been at lately. What is it? It's a knitted spiral. No, it's not quite a cushion. It's a .... comfy. It's a grown-up stuffed toy. It's oddly comforting to hold against your tummy while you sit on the couch watching TV. It's great fun to knit, stuff and stitch together. (Basically, a tapered tube, knit for as long as you like, then tapered in again, stuffed, rolled and stitched). I'm planning to add some of these .....

as soon as I find a needle-threader. (Yes, I got new glasses, but no, they are not powerful enough for the eye of a fine needle).

Where did the idea come from? From HERE. It's knitting, but not as we know it. I'm looking forward to making twisted things, odd things, maybe even quad socks (four odd socks, so that no matter what happens, you can wear any two of the four). I'm not planning on experimenting with knitting with spaghetti, though, no matter what the book says!

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At 3/9/07 6:15 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But ... I don't understand it. Is it thick? What makes it comforting to hold against your tummy while watching TV? And wouldn't putting beads on it make it less ... cuddley? Hmmm...

At 3/9/07 8:25 am, Blogger GreenishLady said...

Thick? Not very. Padded, so maybe it's not-quite-an-inch thick. And you could be right about the beads. I hadn't thought about that. The book says to add beads or charms, so I was going to "follow the rules" but of course, that would go against the whole point of "The Knitting Way".

At 3/9/07 9:07 pm, Blogger Deirdre said...

There's something comforting about something soft to cuddle with. I have a blanket I crocheted years ago.

Needle-threaders are godsends. Even with my reading glasses I can't see the eye of a needle. So far it's the most irritating part of getting, umm, more mature.

At 5/9/07 5:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an interesting-sounding book. I like the spiral the way it is - it does seem like it would be more comfortable to cuddle without bits and pieces attached, even though they might be attractive. Maybe dangling off the sides? Hmm...Still it looks very nicely seashell-ish as it is, I think.

At 11/9/07 1:31 pm, Blogger Kara said...

That spiral is awesome! I love spirals the most of any shape and they are the most common shape in nature so it seems only natural to make these tummy comforts. Love it!


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