
Originally Blogging the Artist's Way. Thoughts, musings, experience of the 12-week course, January to March 2006. And after that?.... Life, creativity, writing. Where does it all meet? Here, perhaps.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Look what happens! I wrote about "Disconnected" for Sunday Scribblings and where do I go for the next month-and-a-bit-more? Into somewhere not connected to my blog for sure. I've still read blogs from time to time, and even managed to leave the occasional comment, but am still not properly back on-line. Now that my holidays from work have started, time to get neglected tasks (like having my computer looked) at seen to.

Well... computer problems were only part of the reason for my disappearance. It's been a difficult month, with traumas minor and major, and my attention and energy were elsewhere.

But, as to blogging... I see many bloggers reach a point where there's a dilemma. Questions are asked like "What am I doing here?" This blog has changed since I started it. I've "gone underground" in certain ways. My focus in my life has changed, and there's more that I keep outside of the blog. But there was a time when I shared more of my poetry and the poets that I like, more of myself, and maybe I can return to that a bit.

I don't want to delete the blog, or to stop it. But it can't sit there with nothing happening for months at a time (Why not? I'm only a very occasional blogger on my SoulCollage blog, after all). If there's still anyone out there, what do you think is important about keeping a blog?

This is just a meandering musing, really. I suspect that this will pick up again at a point where something catches my interest and I start to post about it again. A bit like calling an old friend after a gap, and saying "Well... where have you been? What have you been up to? Tell me all..."
